Ashley Alford was born and raised in New Jersey. Her passion for physical activity and sports
led her to the University of Florida. After college, she earned certifications in TRX, NSCA, ACSM,
spinning, and her RYT200 Yoga certification in India!
She supported the U.S. Navy, as a civilian, as an Athletic Director, and even lived on an aircraft
carrier as well as in Japan. Ashley is an avid hiker, rock climber, yoga instructor, and outdoor
enthusiast and has always had a strong connection with and appreciation for nature.
She has been a mountain rock climber since 2012. On August 31, 2018, she fell off a mountain
in New Hampshire and fell 40 feet, landing on her head. She sustained a severe traumatic brain
injury. She was put in a coma and was hospitalized for many months and eventually had to
relearn everything about her life and teach herself how to walk, talk etc.
Ashley’s journey has made her more opened minded, accepting, stronger, knowledgeable, and
even more determined than ever! She focuses on the “mind over matter” mindset knowing
that hard work always pays off, allowing you to accomplish all that you set your mind to.
Ashley’s persistence, focus and determination is an inspiration to all of us at Stretchlab Chevy Chase!